James Pask
Co- Founder and Senior Practitioner +
Metaphysical Teacher and Healer
'Master Your Metaphysical Reality and Learn to Change the Game'
James Pask has a natural passion and love for bringing your mind and body back into alignment with your Spirit and he is always studying new and interesting things to tell people about.
James works with the metaphysical world. Everything that is alive and has a Spirit, you, your family, land, animals, business and house. James will draw from a multitude of different healing modalities and indigenous wisdom to make changes to the invisible world so that it can alter the visible world (or physical).
James can help you with:
- Healing Trauma and Dark Energies Cross Multiple Lifetimes
- Animal Healing and Interspecies Communication.
- Space and Business Clearing
- Metaphysical Mentoring – Discussion on the Quantum Field
- Practitioner Mentoring – Guiding you to be a Healer
Book a Session with James
Please note that all prices are in AUD $

Get to know James Pask
“It Is Better To Light A Candle Than Curse The
- chinese proverb
I have a natural passion and love for bringing your mind and body back into alignment with your Spirit and he is always studying new and interesting things to tell people about.
What drives me?
Gifting people with the amazing knowledge of self-healing through non-traditional methods; using the readily available physical and spiritual nutrition of the Earth to resolve core health issues within people.
What animal most represents me?
The Wolf. He has an innate connection to both people and teaching how to live in synchronicity with the earth.
My element is EARTH.
The earth is our ultimate Mother!
How can you work with James?
You can choose to connect with James via private sessions, online spiritual programs, webinars and resources such as meditations and books or you can email James for more inquiries and questions at james@rezinate.com.au
Tools and Processes James employs
Spiritual Alchemy
Set a powerful vision of what you want and any blocks will be resolved using specific and powerful metaphysical tools. They will be transformed (alchemised) from blocks to resources. We will help you turn those shadow parts of yourself into illuminated wisdom and inner power.
Energy Meridian Work
Using the ancient Indian knowledge system of the chakras (energy meridians) to link any mind-body effects of stress, conflict, and indecision.
Russian and DNA Cellular Healing
Based on the work of Grabavoi, be prepared to start talking to your organs and body systems for repair.
Universal Nature Principles
Based on the indigenous understanding of the source field and the cross over off Mental, Physical and Spiritual bodies – to make changes in the visible world.
Mindfulness Techniques
Building awareness and alpha flow in everyday life to think, decide and act with more presence.
Kinergetics and Kinesiology
Energy meridian work and muscle testing to restore body functions back to their optimal charge.
Body Code and Emotion Code
Based on Dr. Bradley Nelson’s work using the Body Healing library matrix to target and correct energy imbalances.
Removing limiting beliefs from your subconscious mind through a cutting-edge technique as recommended by Dr. Bruce Lipton (cellular biologist) in his book “The Biology of Beliefs”.
Body Anatomy Diagnosis
Based on the energy principles behind the illness, understanding why things manifest physically to affect the body and working on emotional corrections for healing.
Qualifications and Experiences:
- Interspecies and Animal Communication – South Africa – with Anna Breytenbach (see video on Spirit the black panther)
- Family and Systemic Constellation Therapy – Matt Dilges
- Sensory-Motor Art Therapy - therapeutic healing (overcoming trauma)
- Philosophy I and Temples of the Soul Training – with Tom Brown Jnr
- Advanced Temples II Soul Training - Tom Brown Jnr
- Seven Levels of Quest – Trained with Malcolm Ringwalt in the 7 vision quest journeys to self-mastery
- Mentoring Calls/Lessons with Malcolm Ringwalt – “storms of chaos”, “rivers of law”and “oceans of grace”
- Frank Ansell – training with “Ngangkari” Aboriginal healer from Alice Springs
- Russian Genome Healing Course (based on Russian miracle workers – Dr. Arcady Petrov and Gregori Grabavoi)
- Body Code and Emotions Code – Self paced study and member access based on Dr. Bradley Nelsons work
- Kinergetics I and II and III – work of Phillip Rafferty
- Meditation Teachers Training Intensive
- Psych-K Certified Facilitator – transforming limiting beliefs
- The Journey Intensive with Brandon Bays
- Spirit Dance Chakra workshops
- Professional Reading Training
- 7 years of Intuitive and Psychic Development Classes
- Abundance Mastery Training
- NLP and Hypnosis training
- Many years’ training and study with Don Tolman – the Wholefood Medicine Man
- Sacred Silence- Tom Brown Jnr
- Healing the Earth - Tom Brown Jnr
- The Way of the Quest -Tom Brown Jnr