James Pask

Co- Founder and Senior Practitioner +
 Metaphysical Teacher and Healer
'Master Your Metaphysical Reality and Learn to Change the Game'

James Pask Metaphysical Teacher - headshot

James Pask has a natural passion and love for bringing your mind and body back into alignment with your Spirit and he is always studying new and interesting things to tell people about.

James works with the metaphysical world. Everything that is alive and has a Spirit, you, your family, land, animals,  business and house. James will draw from a multitude of different healing modalities and indigenous wisdom to make changes to the invisible world so that it can alter the visible world (or physical).

James can help you with:

- Healing Trauma and Dark Energies Cross Multiple Lifetimes

- Animal Healing and Interspecies Communication.

- Space and Business Clearing

- Metaphysical Mentoring – Discussion on the Quantum Field

- Practitioner Mentoring – Guiding you to be a Healer

Book a Session with James

Please note that all prices are in AUD $

holographic kinetics

session - 75 minutes

AUD $275



HEALING SESSION - 90 minutes

From AUD $345



SESSION - 75 minutes

AUD $275



SESSION - 75 minutes

AUD $275



SESSION - 60 minutes

AUD $275



SESSION - 60 minutes

AUD $340



SESSION - 60 minutes

AUD $295


Past life regression session - 75 minutes

AUD $ 395


  • Rezinate

    James Pask is an amazing individual and a very compassionate healer. His readings are incredibly accurate and very comprehensive and his healing sessions are fabulous for the soul.

    Kanchi Williams ,

  • Rezinate

    James, the healing remote session was profound. I sent my list to you and could feel the energy start to shift just with my intention to do the work. It’s been almost a month and I am seeing shifts in how I feel about things from the past.

    Thank you for this amazing work, James !

    Jodi W. , 2022

  • Rezinate

    James is a wonderful practitioner! I wholly trust him to help integrate and navigate my healing sessions and journey.

    Monique Evans , SYRV (Makegoodhappen), 2022

  • Rezinate

    Hathor is doing really good! Her cough started to diminish since the first day of the session, she cough less and less as days pass, and yesterday was the first day without a cough. She seems happier and much more playful, she reminds me now the way she used to be in her early years of life. She is not eating as much, just the right amount.

    Erika, , Australia, 2016

  • Rezinate

    James, I wanted to sincerely thank you for facilitating great change and transformation on many levels of my being. The two session you facilitated with me have been profound and I sense the energies are continuing to recalibrate.

    I no longer experience sleep anxiety and I don’t take any pharmaceuticals. I no longer have the urge or addiction to take any substances to find peace and safety. I’ve been a seeker of the truth for many decades and have been deeply involved with spiritual practices including mediation, ceremonies and many healing modalities. Until now despite all my efforts I’ve never experienced this peace and balance. I’m continuing to reconnect with my true nature and the natural organic way of being.

    With immense gratitude love honour and respect,

    Katherine , Australia 2022

  • Rezinate

    We were three years into taking on a new business and were really struggling. Operating the business out of our home was tough especially as any new business opportunities we seemed to attract were sketchy at best and consistently failed. We were operating week to week with four employees and it was stressful, to say the least. We were willing to try anything and when Debbie suggested James visit we agreed. James cleared our business but also our home. It was an extraordinary experience that profoundly moved us.

    The change was instant. It seemed that light and life were abundant in our home and the heavy stress had gone. The next day was Saturday. We rarely get friends spontaneously dropping into our home but that weekend 20 individual people dropped in as they were ‘just driving past’. It was crazy.

    Monday the phone began to ring with solid new business opportunities. That was two years ago and we haven’t looked back since. Thank you, James. You saved us!

    Henrietta 2016 , Australia

  • Rezinate

    Hi, James! After our session yesterday, I certainly wasn’t sure what to expect. Although think I am in a state of spiritual awakening, still am very much a believer of what my mind can comprehend or can be logically argued. However, when I went to bed last night I felt my back and hip pain was less than I expected especially as I had done some heavy duty work in the garden that morning. During the night I got up once and was a bit amazed that pain was probably 50% of normal. I woke and got up to about 20% of normal and right now after sitting in the car for 6 hours (normally a killer) have almost no pain. Not sure what’s going on but looking forward to next session on Wednesday.

    Cheers, Best wishes and a huge thank you

    Grahame , Australia 2022

  • Rezinate

    As a holistic chiropractor for 15yrs, I have studied and explored every aspect and corner of health and the human experience I can possibly discover and clearly believe in a unified model in the realm of health and being that incorporates the physical, emotional, mental, chemical and energetic components of our makeup and existence. I have searched for, and experimented with many many different techniques and approaches to achieving vitality and happiness over the years in order to find the most potent ways to improve quality of life and evolve. This has come through experience as a practitioner with tens of thousands of patients and also through receiving care through many different methods and practitioners. I can honestly say that James’ work is the most potent I have ever come across for facilitating the clearing of the key core energetic blocks to us thriving and breaking through in life. We all know that matter stems from energy and that the quantum field dictates the physical plane, this is why this ultimate method for clearing has such massive effects on all aspects of our lives. Combined with James’ amazing skill and methods he has the grounded-ness and wisdom of a master, and provides a non judgemental and unconditionally loving space that supports you to breakthrough whatever blocks you have and move to the next level in your life’s journey.

    I recommend James whole heartedly and have been recommending friends and family to see him for years, and my confidence continues to grow as I witness my friends breakthrough time and time again after working with him. You owe it to yourself to up level and you deserve to be happy and vibrant.

    Adam Williams , Australia, 2016

Get to know James Pask


“It Is Better To Light A Candle Than Curse The


- chinese proverb


I have a natural passion and love for bringing your mind and body back into alignment with your Spirit and he is always studying new and interesting things to tell people about.

animal totem wolf

What drives me? 
Gifting people with the amazing knowledge of self-healing through non-traditional methods; using the readily available physical and spiritual nutrition of the Earth to resolve core health issues within people.

What animal most represents me? 
The Wolf. He has an innate connection to both people and teaching how to live in synchronicity with the earth.

My element is EARTH. 
The earth is our ultimate Mother!

How can you work with James?

You can choose to connect with James via private sessions, online spiritual programs, webinars and resources such as meditations and books or you can email James for more inquiries and questions at james@rezinate.com.au


Tools and Processes James employs

Symbols in Line Rezinate

Spiritual Alchemy

Set a powerful vision of what you want and any blocks will be resolved using specific and powerful metaphysical tools. They will be transformed (alchemised) from blocks to resources. We will help you turn those shadow parts of yourself into illuminated wisdom and inner power.

Energy Meridian Work

Using the ancient Indian knowledge system of the chakras (energy meridians) to link any mind-body effects of stress, conflict, and indecision.

Russian and DNA Cellular Healing

Based on the work of Grabavoi, be prepared to start talking to your organs and body systems for repair.

Universal Nature Principles

Based on the indigenous understanding of the source field and the cross over off Mental, Physical and Spiritual bodies – to make changes in the visible world.

Mindfulness Techniques

Building awareness and alpha flow in everyday life to think, decide and act with more presence.

Kinergetics and Kinesiology

Energy meridian work and muscle testing to restore body functions back to their optimal charge.

Body Code and Emotion Code

Based on Dr. Bradley Nelson’s work using the Body Healing library matrix to target and correct energy imbalances.


Removing limiting beliefs from your subconscious mind through a cutting-edge technique as recommended by Dr. Bruce Lipton (cellular biologist) in his book “The Biology of Beliefs”.

Body Anatomy Diagnosis

Based on the energy principles behind the illness, understanding why things manifest physically to affect the body and working on emotional corrections for healing.

Holographic Kinetics

A cutting-edge therapy designed to make changes to the metaphysical which then translates to the physical. Involves past life regression therapy, ancestral RNA healing, releasing trauma from this life and more.

Qualifications and Experiences:

  • Interspecies and Animal Communication – South Africa – with Anna Breytenbach (see video on Spirit the black panther)
  • Family and Systemic Constellation Therapy – Matt Dilges
  • Sensory-Motor Art Therapy - therapeutic healing (overcoming trauma)
  • Certified Holographic Kinetics Practitioner – based on Steve Richards Aboriginal Dreamtime modality
  • Holographic Kinetics – teacher of several courses on behalf of Steve Richards (creator/founder) 2015 – 2017
  • Philosophy I and Temples of the Soul Training – with Tom Brown Jnr
  • Advanced Temples II Soul Training - Tom Brown Jnr
  • Seven Levels of Quest – Trained with Malcolm Ringwalt in the 7 vision quest journeys to self-mastery
  • Mentoring Calls/Lessons with Malcolm Ringwalt – “storms of chaos”, “rivers of law”and “oceans of grace”
  • Frank Ansell – training with “Ngangkari” Aboriginal healer from Alice Springs
  • Russian Genome Healing Course (based on Russian miracle workers – Dr. Arcady Petrov and Gregori Grabavoi)
  • Body Code and Emotions Code – Self paced study and member access based on Dr. Bradley Nelsons work
  • Kinergetics I and II and III – work of Phillip Rafferty
  • Meditation Teachers Training Intensive
  • Psych-K Certified Facilitator – transforming limiting beliefs
  • The Journey Intensive with Brandon Bays
  • Spirit Dance Chakra workshops
  • Professional Reading Training
  • 7 years of Intuitive and Psychic Development Classes
  • Abundance Mastery Training
  • NLP and Hypnosis training
  • Many years’ training and study with Don Tolman – the Wholefood Medicine Man
  • Sacred Silence- Tom Brown Jnr
  • Healing the Earth - Tom Brown Jnr
  • The Way of the Quest -Tom Brown Jnr
  • Rezinate

    James, I wanted to sincerely thank you for facilitating great change and transformation on many levels of my being. The two session you facilitated with me have been profound and I sense the energies are continuing to recalibrate.

    I no longer experience sleep anxiety and I don’t take any pharmaceuticals. I no longer have the urge or addiction to take any substances to find peace and safety. I’ve been a seeker of the truth for many decades and have been deeply involved with spiritual practices including mediation, ceremonies and many healing modalities. Until now despite all my efforts I’ve never experienced this peace and balance. I’m continuing to reconnect with my true nature and the natural organic way of being.

    With immense gratitude love honour and respect,

    Katherine , Australia 2022

  • Rezinate

    I had my first session about a month ago with James. Felt a huge shift by working on what has been going on since conception for me that has created and played out repeating patterns, that are stopping me from that sense of moving forward. Such a huge noticeable shift. Got my second session this week - bring it on!

    Stella J. , Consultant, Australia 2022

  • Rezinate

    The gift of James Pask and his incredible healing gifts to world really have no words.
    As a person he holds power, presence mixed with grace and kindness that would describe him as a divine human.
    His ability to hold the frequency of light and tap into exactly what it is you require to transform the resistance and what is limiting & holding you back is amazing. The generous of his heart comes through the healing vibration and immediately drops you into your heart.

    James after our session yesterday I feel clear, fresh, clean with a new level of balance and alignment in my field. A heartfelt Thankyou & appreciation for you.

    In kindness,

    Donna , Australia 2022

  • Rezinate

    James, thank you for always being available when I need HK guidance. It keeps me buoyant in knowing I can do this. I know I wouldn't be given anything I couldn't handle, but it's just wonderful knowing I can talk with you about things and get your advice and input. I so appreciate that, and appreciate You even more.

    Linda Bizon , Australia, 2017

  • Rezinate

    The things you recommended have worked well. upping my joint supplement dosage as of this week. so far so good. I didn't feel a great shift other than calmer peaceful sense of self. Thank you.

    Elina , Australia 2023

  • Rezinate

    My sessions with James have supported me to gain clarity and subsequently, confidence in my life journey. Things have definitely changed since my very
    first session. I no longer feel the burden of a traumatic time I have been carrying for seven years. It's just disappeared. It is literally no longer an issue for me. Quite extraordinary. Very grateful to James.

    Suzanne Maher , Creative Director, Australia

  • Rezinate

    James, I wanted to let you know how things have been since our session. All in all, I really feel like the past is history, well and truly. I knew this in my head, but until we cleared the dimensions, it had been stuck with me.

    I'm back!!! Better than before. ❤️

    Thank you so much, James. You're a treasure.

    Jo Wall , Australia

  • Rezinate

    I contacted James for a healing session on my dog, Kimba, as she was licking her back legs to the point where all the fur was gone and it was down to raw skin. We had her to the vet and tried creams, and were also told to place the cone on her head to prevent her from licking the area, but after having the cone on for 2 weeks, at a time over several weeks, Kimba would start licking again as soon as the cone was removed. I had a feeling that there was something else going on that may have been energetic in nature. James did the session via distance, as I am in Melbourne and he is in Coffs Harbour. James did this via what he described to me as a surrogate healing. What came up in the session was that Kimba had taken on a negative energy from our neighborhood whilst trying to protect myself and my daughter from harm. It was literally insider her and she was trying to get it out and the only way she knew how licking etc. James removed this energy from Kimba and she has stopped licking. Kimba is much happier, and slowly returning to her old self, her wounds are healing and her fur is growing back. Thank you for saving our dog, Kimba!

    S Allen , Melbourne, 2017

  • Rezinate

    After researching Holographic Kinetics and listening to some online interviews with James, I decided to book a long distance surrogate session, as I live in a different state. I knew something was different when I woke up with my head clear of anxiety and repetitive thoughts. I had never known such peace was possible. It completely changed the way I think and act, for the better and made me a stronger and happier person. I highly recommend James and HK!

    Rose Red , 2022

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