Be Your Own Healer
Get the Self Healing Tools and Metaphysical Wisdom You Need to
Transform Your Life and Create Your Desired Reality
Calling all Conscious humans looking to break old patterns and learn the spiritual practices to transform your daily life.
James Pask has spent THOUSANDS of hours studying metaphysics, healing, spiritual hacks and more to TEACH YOU the fastest way to heal from health issues, old patterns, ancestral burdens and past life karma.
Over 12 modules,
James will teach you:
↦ The Key Principles (also known as Universal Laws) that govern how you operate in this reality and source field.
↦ He will touch on the spirit versus soul debate, shining some light on the confusion between the two.
↦ His teachings will also give you the
self-healing techniques to heal from this life trauma, ancestors, past life and more.
Are you ready to master the
Art of Self-Healing?
Take the Power Back into Your Own Hands by Mastering the Keys to Your Metaphysical Health
Metaphysical health requires a healthy spirit. The best way to keep your spirit in good health is to understand how the different forms of healing can liberate you from the anchors of past life karma, karmic debts, past life trauma, and the negative energy of others. The different forms of healing include ancestral, epigenetic, quantum, shamanic and past life healing.
Expect to empower yourself intelligently through applied metaphysics from a master in the industry.
Everything begins in the invisible world before becoming visible. This concept is known as
'energy, spirit or source'.
Knowing who and what you are as this source energy, and how to look after it is the key to spiritual well-being.
James Pask will be teaching the 'Art of Metaphysical Hygiene'
We all know that we have a mind, a body and a Spirit, but did you know that you have innate skills for self-healing?
The western world has never been comfortable with spiritual health and the concepts of auric fields, intuitive development, quantum fields, and the metaphysical realm. As a result, very few lessons and training courses cover spirit and spiritual healing, including how to tap into surrounding energy fields, and how to protect ourselves from psychic vampires who drain our life’s energy and seriously impact our holistic health and well-being.
Energy mastery training courses and lessons in quantum healing and looking after spirit are also sadly lacking in school and the home. We grow up not understanding who and what we are (as energy or spirit) nor how to clean, connect and communicate with this incredible spirit of ours and the energy fields around us. We don’t know how seriously past life karma and ancestral trauma affect our current lives. We don’t even understand why spirit versus soul is such an important question.
Are You Ready to Master the Art of Self-Healing?
12 Modules of Self Healing Wisdom
The information and training exercises contained in each module will transform your life spiritually, emotionally, physically, and metaphysically.
Feel free to email James Pask with your questions regarding the course and course content, or anything else you’re not sure of, such as the meaning of Higher Self, the power of epigenetic healing, or how past life healing can change negative energy into positive energy. Email at
Answer these Questions:
Q1. Ever walked away from someone thinking they have drained your energy or left you with a negative vibe? You might have been in contact with psychic vampires.
Q2. Have you ever felt like the same events happen to you again and again like Groundhog Day? You might benefit from lessons in auric fields and aura cleansing.
Q3. Have you ever wondered about karma and how it might be affecting your life, your goals and your relationships? You might have karmic debts and be in need of past life karma healing.
You probably know that thoughts are things and know that deep down we have the power to heal ourselves and move beyond current limitations. Yet how do we access this source of change and why do we have energy blockages in our life?
Energy interference happens all of the time and if we are ignorant to the matrix around us, we are living with half our power switched on. There is a misunderstood and untapped ''unseen" energy world all around us. Once we can understand how to tune in and utilise it effectively, we can make profound and long-lasting changes to our lives. You’ll never experience life in the same way again! Learning to navigate your energetic boundaries and maintain the integrity of your spiritual health is probably the most important thing you can do today.
This powerful 12-lesson program is one of our renowned holistic courses
During the program, you will learn about the knowing field of energy, how to tune into your own dream-time and how you can access the magic of this energy field (your spirit, nature, animals and places) to live an intentional life in spiritual good health. Move past your limitations today.
You’ll look at concepts that may be entirely new to you, like epigenetic healing; or concepts that you’ve heard of but don’t know exactly what they are, like ancestral healing; or concepts that you know quite well, like mindfulness meditations. You’ll explore events that happened in the distant past that have a major impact on your physical and energetic health, such as karmic debts. You’ll discover how the negative energy of others (like psychic vampires) can drain your spirit energy and deplete your quantum field. Lastly, with every lesson comes some sort of personal healing journey so that you develop the DIY tools to support your metaphysical health. Whether you are just starting out on this journey of metaphysical knowledge, or if you are a long-term student, these succinct, practical and powerful lessons are for you.
Your 12 Modules of
Your 12 Modules of
Immerse Yourself in World Class Spiritual Training To Create Long Lasting Change in Your Life.
1. Powerful Spiritual videos translating James Pask's thousands of hours of practice
2. Audio recorded meditations or healing journeys to practically apply a lesson and self heal.
3. Powerful reflection questions and activities to assimilate the lesson.
4. Additional wisdom 'corners' giving you the latest good news stories, indigenous teachings, developments in quantum healing, nature/animal connection, and more.
Immerse Yourself in World Class Spiritual Training To Create Long Lasting Change in Your Life.
1. Powerful Spiritual videos translating James Pask's thousands of hours of practice
2. Audio recorded meditations or healing journeys to practically apply a lesson and self heal.
3. Powerful reflection questions and activities to assimilate the lesson.
4. Additional wisdom 'corners' giving you the latest good news stories, indigenous teachings, developments in quantum healing, nature/animal connection, and more.
What You Will Learn
Here’s a summary of what’s contained in one of our most profound spiritual courses; The Living Spirit Program
Who and What You Are
as a Metaphysical Being
How Other People’s Energy Affects You and Your Quantum Field
The Knowing Field, Matrix or Dreamweave
The Universal Language of Spirit- Communicating with your spirit self.
Past Lives, Past Life Karma, Ancestral Genetic Patterns, and Ancestral Healing.
How Your Issues Develop and what Quantum Healing and other spiritual training can do about it
Sacred Space: How Spaces, Homes & Landscapes Affect Your Current Energy, as well as Past Life Healing
How to Manifest What you Want How Can You Make a Difference? Heal Yourself / Heal the World.
The Power of Living Intentionally - how to live a spiritual life and maintain mindfulness practices in the modern world
James Pask
Metaphysical Teacher and Healer
"To understand your own energy body, how to keep it clean and free, and how to play by the universal laws that govern this reality we live in... is critical to living a happy and healthy life. The first spiritual law is to "KNOW THYSELF". The last spiritual law is to "KNOW THYSELF AS SOURCE".

“I have found that these activities have clearly been working because I noticed that my dreams and realisations coming up from the subconscious following some of the meditations and brain storming activities is helping put some puzzle pieces together and further release stuck things”
Makensi (Spirit Healer)
from Month 2- Module 2

“Thank you James and Debbie for the journey and your vision. The course as a whole was a nice step by step of balanced understanding. I especially loved the animal stories shared in the final session, they seemed to open possibilities I have not experienced or given thought to before!”
Gurudhan K.
from Month 12- Module 12
“Such an amazing program James! and its only the second module!! Love the simplicity of the light bulb analogy, may have to pinch it for my breathwork class.
Really love the combination of breath, art and even movement/primal release in the meditations all while taking us back to causes. So good brother 👊”
Richard S.
from Month 2- Module 2
Who is this online Spiritual Healing
Course aimed at?
✧ People wanting to learn more about their metaphysical self and how to use self-healing to manage their energy every day. This is especially important if you are prone to being affected by other people and places and regularly attract psychic vampires.
✧ People who understand the connection between metaphysical energy and physical issues and life challenges and want to learn how to master these principles to thrive in life. Included amongst these people are those who wish to settle karmic debts and go through past life metaphysical healing to live their best spiritual and metaphysical life.
✧ People that might have had an intense spiritual experience and have embarked on a journey to understanding their inner spirit, as well as the auric and quantum fields around them.
✧ Anyone interested in the mind, body, and spirit which are encompassed in holistic health. This online spiritual healing course is especially helpful for those in need of self-healing to address physical, emotional or mental health issues. It’s also valuable if someone you love has physical, emotional or mental issues, which can be addressed through spiritual healing.
✧ Those in the metaphysical training, healing, coaching and wellness sectors, including metaphysical teachers that want additional training to help them evolve on their spiritual journey to become better healers.
✧ Other healers want to expand their services to include epigenetic healing and auric fields. Participating in our online spiritual healing and energy healing courses lays the foundation for sound healing practices and opens the way for a far greater and more rewarding journey of self-discovery.
✧ People who understand that true freedom comes with mastering your metaphysical freedom in this life, and who understand that knowing universal energy principles is authentic power. People who know that this kind of self-healing combined with holistic training exercises ultimately leads to spiritual freedom.
How do I access the e-learning modules?
Upon membership you will receive an e-mail containing your spiritual course log-in details. Your lessons will be sent to the e-mail address you provide. You will get access to our private Facebook Group where you and like-minded people can discuss the online spiritual course material, ask questions, share information, and enter into the ongoing spirit versus soul debate The standard delivery for lessons is 12 modules over 12 months. However, you never lose access to your metaphysical healing course material, so you can take as long as you need to complete it!
Feel free to email James Pask with your questions regarding the course and course content, or anything else you’re not sure of, such as the meaning of mindfulness, the power of epigenetic healing, or how past life healing can change negative energy into positive energy.

“James’ knowledge of metaphysics and ability to communicate that knowledge in an accessible way is fantastic. James shares his knowledge and skills with generosity and warmth, giving practical examples and ways to incorporate metaphysical principals into everyday life. James is a teacher who really walks his talk with the greatest of integrity.”
Rezinate Student

“I've had the pleasure to work with James both individually and also in group workshops and I can honestly say it has changed my life. James expresses such gentleness and passion when he teaches, I find his down to earth approach very grounding and real, as is the ancient wisdom from the teachings he translates into easy bit size pieces to take into every day life and use in a practical sense. Being able to take these learnings and apply them into my life has opened and expanded my consciousness and that is where magic happens. Words cannot describe how much respect and trust I have working with James and as I continue to work with him and I am excited to see what unfolds for me and where my life leads.”
Rezinate Student
“Such an amazing program James! and its only the second module!! Love the simplicity of the light bulb analogy, may have to pinch it for my breathwork class.
Really love the combination of breath, art and even movement/primal release in the meditations all while taking us back to causes. So good brother 👊”
Richard Smart