Master Your Intuition e-Course

Awaken your intuitive senses and psychic gifts

Make decisions with clarity - Listen to what your body needs -  Magnetise the right relationships


What superpower do you have?

Calling all seekers of intuitive development and those looking to master and enhance their psychic senses to live with more clarity!

This online course will awaken your psychic super-powers to help you listen to your inner voice, tune into what your body needs, make instinctual decisions and be in the right place at the right time. 

About Intuitive Mastery Course

Created by renowned spiritual healers and teachers, Debbie and James Pask

Together, they share their 40+ years of collective experience and training in intuitive development and intuition mastery. Enabling you to easily switch on your intuitive powers and connect to your inner wisdom. They will teach you the foundations and spiritual framework you need to connect and switch on your intuitive super-powers to use in everyday life!

About the Course

Created by renowned spiritual healers and teachers, Debbie and James Pask. Together, they share their 40+ years of collective experience and training in intuitive development and intuition mastery. Enabling you to easily switch on your intuitive powers and connect to your inner wisdom.

They will teach you the foundations and spiritual framework you need to connect and switch on your intuitive super-powers to use in everyday life!

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Are you ignoring your inner voice or not trusting it?

Are you stuck with how to develop your precious inner gifts?

When we don’t know how to fully understand or use our psychic skills, we tend to shut it down or simply not trust the message it is telling us.

Let us show you how!

This course is designed to teach you how to tap into your original senses in an easy to follow, step by step process.


Are you ignoring your inner voice or not trusting it? Are you stuck with how to develop your innermost gift?

When we don’t know how to fully understand or use our physic skills, we tend to shut it down or simply not trust the message it is telling us.

Let us show you how! This course is designed to teach you how to tap into your original senses in an easy to follow, step by step process.


Make instinctual career decisions so that you align with purpose and passion.

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Clean out destructive people in your life and hone in to the right people to support you.

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 Tune into what your body is really telling you and start the path to healing your health.

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Intuitive Senses


We teach you how to switch on these psychic senses:

⚘ Clairvoyance: refers to the ability to see clearly by using psychic senses or extrasensory perception (ESP). As this intuition course progresses, you will be developing your clairvoyant abilities.

⚘ Clairsentience: which means ‘clear feeling’, is the gift of being able to feel people's current, past and future emotions, often by engaging with physical objects and places of significance.

⚘ Clairaudience: which means ‘clear hearing’, refers to the ability to hear psychic messages, to assist in guiding the behaviour of others. Listen and hone your ability to discern TRUTH v LIES.

⚘ Clair empathy: translates into 'clear sense' or 'clear emotional feeling'. People with clair-empathy tend to experience the same feelings as others; for example, if others are feeling severe stress before a business meeting, they will feel the same. They can also take on the physical sensations of pain or comfort. Learn to know what feeling/s are yours and what is not!

⚘ Clairalience (smell): translates into 'clear smelling' or 'clear scent' and refers to the psychic ability to smell scents or fragrances. Also, you might smell what is sick or ailing the body.

⚘ Clairgustance (taste): means 'clear tasting'. It is the psychic ability to taste the physical energy of physical objects (food, flowers) and intangible energy generated by emotions or events. For example, a particular food smell could indicate that something might be lacking in someone's diet.

⚘ Clairtangency/Psychometry (touch/object): also known as psychometry, means 'clear touching'. This is the gift of receiving information by touching things, people, and animals.

⚘ Claircognizance (clear knowing): People blessed with Claircognizance are prone to experiencing sudden bursts of knowledge or floods of insight. At times, this knowledge can take the form of a premonition, while at other times, it may be as simple as a gut feeling known to be correct.

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Intuitive Senses Explored

We teach you how to switch on these psychic senses;

⚘ Clairvoyance: refers to the ability to see clearly by using psychic senses or extrasensory perception (ESP). As this intuition course progresses, you will be developing your clairvoyant abilities.

⚘ Clairsentience: which means ‘clear feeling’, is the gift of being able to feel people's current, past and future emotions, often by engaging with physical objects and places of significance.

⚘ Clairaudience: which means ‘clear hearing’, refers to the ability to hear psychic messages, to assist in guiding the behaviour of others. Listen and hone your ability to discern TRUTH v LIES.

⚘ Clair empathy: translates into 'clear sense' or 'clear emotional feeling'. People with clair-empathy tend to experience the same feelings as others; for example, if others are feeling severe stress before a business meeting, they will feel the same. They can also take on the physical sensations of pain or comfort. Learn to know what feeling/s are yours and what is not!

⚘ Clairalience (smell): translates into 'clear smelling' or 'clear scent' and refers to the psychic ability to smell scents or fragrances. Also, you might smell what is sick or ailing the body.

⚘ Clairgustance (taste): means 'clear tasting'. It is the psychic ability to taste the physical energy of physical objects (food, flowers) and intangible energy generated by emotions or events. For example, a particular food smell could indicate that something might be lacking in someone's diet.

⚘ Clairtangency/Psychometry (touch/object): also known as psychometry, means 'clear touching'. This is the gift of receiving information by touching things, people, and animals.

⚘ Claircognizance (clear knowing): People blessed with Claircognizance are prone to experiencing sudden bursts of knowledge or floods of insight. At times, this knowledge can take the form of a premonition, while at other times, it may be as simple as a gut feeling known to be correct.


The Course Teachers: 

Who are We and Why do this Intuitive Course?

Debbie and James Pask are specialists in spiritual healing, spiritual teaching, energy healing, and transformation through the development of psychic senses, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience.


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His passion is to restore the relationship between your mind, body, and spiritual consciousness. His natural talent for developing intuition and spiritual gifts in others is obvious to all who enrol in Rezinate’s courses, especially the intuitive courses and spiritual courses. The results of new metaphysical and psychic development studies are published all the time, and James is abreast of these studies and the evolution of this field.

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Debbie has a background in Advertising at board level, a university degree in Philosophy and 20 years training in energy healing work, metaphysical education, phoenix style coaching, meditation and equine therapy. She is passionate about using intuitive training to help people unlock their conscious purpose in life. Debbie can look deep into your soul and read your blueprint and spends her time helping people to heal and teaching others how to do that.

Together they have over 40 years experience in the fields of intuitive, spiritual, and psychic development, using techniques that include mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting metaphysical health. They are teaching spiritual intelligence and developing psychic abilities for years and have been able to invest the inner wisdom they gained into their intuitive courses so that you can immerse yourself in them whenever you need them, from wherever you are in the world.

Who is it for?

This training course is designed for:

  • People who have a keen interest in developing their intuitive gifts for a better life and in a healing career.
  • Beginner and intermediate intuitive guides/practitioners looking to up-level their skills.

Beginners will find our step-by-step processes easy to follow. The intuition building exercises are easy to practice and help you feel grounded in day-to-day life.

Advanced practitioners will find that our Master Your Intuition program will up-level and deepen your intuitive skills and spiritual intuition. Strengthening your connection with and understanding of your intuitive messages.

Unsure if this course is right for you? Ask us here.

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Who is it for?

This training course is designed for:

  • People who have a keen interest in developing their intuitive gifts.
  • Beginner and intermediate intuitive guides/practitioners.

Beginners will find our step-by-step processes easy to follow. The intuition building exercises are easy to practice and help you feel grounded in day-to-day life.

Advanced practitioners will find that our Master Your Intuition program will up-level and deepen your intuitive skills and spiritual intuition. Strengthening your connection with and understanding of your intuitive messages.

Unsure if this course is right for you? Ask us here.

Outcomes and Benefits For You

Recognise your intuitive gifts and how to tap into them.

Learn how to interpret intuitive messages confidently.

Make smarter life decisions with clarity and confidence.

Align with the right relationships and friends.

Reveal your life’s purpose and gain clarity on your life path.

Start meeting people who match your wiser vibration.

Tune into your body and start the healing process.

Open up ideal opportunities that are presenting themselves.

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Join James and Debbie Pask in this

Intuitive Mastery Course


Ready to go? Which payment option best suits you?

Enrol now at $199 2 Easy Payments of $99.50

We know that it is common for people to quieten the little voice inside of them that says...

"Something doesn't feel right"

"I don't know what to do"

 "This doesn't feel like me"

"Don't date/marry that person"

"The right path forward isn't clear" 

Instead they say... 

"It's just the fear talking. Just feel the fear and do it anyway" 

 It's time to STOP QUIETENING your inner voice, 

It's time to PAY ATTENTION 

It's time to FOCUS on developing your intuition.


This Intuition Training Course will teach you to trust your spiritual gift and develop your intuitive thinking rather than listening to fear and doubt. The lessons and intuitive training exercises that make up this online intuitive training course/ spiritual teacher course will give you clarity, purpose, alignment, and confidence and guide you in every decision and life experience.

 The Modules You Will Cover Over 6 Weeks

WEEK 1: Activate your Intuition 

We discuss what intuition is, how it works, and why it’s so critical for our evolution. We also ACTIVATE the eight key intuitive skills that serve as the foundation for your psychic development over the coming modules.

WEEK 2: Intuitive Body Guidance

We apply the idea of intuition to the inner workings of your body so you can better connect and communicate with your physical body. In this way you can use your spiritual gifts to heal yourself from the from inside out.

WEEK 3: Intuitive Decision-making

These lessons will teach you the art of making life decisions with clarity, allowing you to move away from stress and into intuitive calm and clear knowing.


WEEK 4: Intuitive Relationship Boundaries 

Tuning into and reading the energy vibes that affect your personal relationships. Training in this aspect of your intuitive development enables you to manage boundaries with others so that you stay strong and powerful.

WEEK 5: Conversing with your Intuitive Mind

Practice the art of deep communication with your higher or metaphysical mind to improve your “self-talk”, to stay in balance and to hold your shape when the world around you crashes.

WEEK 6: Intuitive Visions and Goal Setting
Establishing a connection with the quantum field and aligning your goals with your true path and purpose, for example, being in right place at the right time.

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Your Value Packed eCourse Includes:

  1. 6 x 90min. Recorded Teachings (Video & Audio)
  2. Weekly activities and practice exercises
  3. 18 guided meditations and 23 intuitive practices 
  4. Private Facebook Group access for connection and Q&A
  5. 24/7 Lifetime Access
  6. BONUS Cord Cutting Guided Meditation
  7. BONUS Sacred Time Management Video Series

Sign up for the course

BONUS Cord Cutting Meditation

This audio meditation track is a must have when you feel stuck and glued to someone else's energy and bad vibes. It helps restore your energy while sending theirs back to them. Guided meditation sets your true self free!

BONUS Creating Sacred Time Training

We know that life is busy and it can be hard to make personal time to nourish yourself. This video series includes lessons teaching you a whole new way of carving out your sacred time in a busy life schedule.

Master Your Intuition course bonus materials


What our Students Say about this Course?


“I love your course I have gotten a lot more understanding and clarity on working with my spiritual talents.”


“Wow...This was so so beautiful Deb and James. I learnt so much about things that i was not even aware existed before i started this course. This course is my first baby step to then fully launch and immerse myself in this spiritual journey. I have been practicing sacred silence meditation from module 1 almost daily and first thing in the morning. I feel bad that i've spent so many years in ignorance and now that i have these tools i am gonna apply them to my daily life. Thanks again”


“Thank you Debbie and James, I absolutely loved this course and I look forward to practicing and revisiting the teachings as often as required. With much gratitude”


“Just finished module 5. this module is important to me…
…Soon I get rid of the negativity from my home, this module will my top priority.”


“Oh my goodness, this module is super, and really has given me so much information, about sensing into my Intuitive body, as I am a visual person I was able to envisage the meditations as they really woke up my feelings and emotions on what my body is telling me about me and the messages that I received and what I have to change within me. I will be doing these exercises everyday, as I know it will help me with my healing work and developing my intuition much more. Thank you so much Debbie and James. xx ”


“I have found that these activities have clearly been working because I noticed that my dreams and realisations coming up from the subconscious following some of the meditations and brainstorming activities is helping put some puzzle pieces together and further release stuck things.”

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long will each module take to complete?

The video training weekly class is 90 minutes. You will have practice sessions that will apply to everyday life which will take anywhere between 20 to 60 minutes to do. You may repeat this practice as many times as you like and revisit it later down the track.

2. How long will the content be made available?

Your course will be available all the time with your unique LOG IN. There is no time limit. You can access your lesson at any day and time that suits you.

3. What if I have questions or get stuck with the lessons?

Simply write down your inquiry and questions in the comment box found at the bottom of each lesson page OR, post your question in the private Facebook group that you will be invited to once you sign up. In this group, you can also share ideas and your practices with other like-minded souls.

4. What if I cannot access my intuitive self?

Everyone has access to these skills and it might take some time to develop. We promise that if you follow the advice we provide, you will notice changes and start to tune in more every week.

5. Who is this course developed for?

This course is aimed at any level as the concepts are unique and cutting-edge. If you are a beginner, your mind will be expanded in enormous ways. If you have dabbled or regularly tune in to your psychic self, then expect some new material that will stretch you in new ways. The combined experiences of Debbie and James, with over 40 years of training between them, will give you a deep understanding of this realm.

6. Does this material conflict with any religions out there?

Our lessons are spiritual and yet NOT religious. We don’t pray to anything outside of ourselves and we don’t challenge your personal spiritual beliefs. We believe that you are the source energy and therefore have access to innate intelligence – spiritual senses that go beyond the physical. We teach you how to find these senses within YOU and we don’t refer to any religion, gods, goddesses, or deities.