Free Intuition Training
Learn the 8 PSYCHIC SENSES available to you
BONUS VIDEOS: 2 Powerful Practices to Hone Your Intuitive Psychic Skills
TAPPING into YOUR INTUITION enables you to:
1. Make better decisions
2. Trust yourself more
3. Grow your intuition
- What intuitive skills are available to you and why you need them
- The 8 psychic senses used to tap into your innate gift of intuition.
- How you can tap into your intuitive senses using 2 powerful exercises you can practice at home
Why is INTUITION so critical today?
In these disrupted times, the most powerful thing you can do right now is to awaken your long held but dormant gifts to reconnect with your inner wisdom. Your original senses.
We need to learn to trust ourselves and our decisions because nobody else is equipped to make them for us.
- About Us -
Debbie and James Pask have a combined 40+ years of experience in the field of spiritual teaching, healing, and transformation.
“We've been teaching spiritual intelligence for years and have now invested that wisdom in our courses so you can immerse yourself in these teachings, whenever you need it, from wherever you are in the world.”
James Pask is a Metaphysical Teacher and Practitioner. James has a natural passion and love for bringing your mind and body back into alignment with your Spirit and he is always studying new and interesting things to tell people about. Intuition is a cornerstone of his work.
Debbie Pask is a Transformation Coach, Trainer, and Deep Energy Healer. Debbie is known for her strong intuitive skills that underpin huge transformation in both healing and coaching sessions. Debbie’s core passion is to help people discover and unlock their own ‘life purpose’ and then go about planning and designing their career around it.
After 27,000 + sessions, we have compiled some of the greatest spiritual practices and tools you need for a connected and calm time here on planet earth.
Watch the Free Intuition Enhancement Training
2 Powerful Practices to Hone Your Intuitive Psychic Skills